Using an Aluminum Pump Jack to Increase Safety in the Workplace

Making sure that you have the right type of equipment to complete the job is an essential step in any type of workplace repair or household do-it-yourself task. This remains true, whether you are attempting to put down a new layer of paint, clean the exterior of your home, replace your carpets, or perform masonry jobs. Using tools can help ensure that your improvement project is completed in a timely and safe manner.

One of the most essential tools in completing your repair job is the aluminum pump jack. This type of tool works in a manner very similar to a car jack. You are able to use a manual lever, a toothed rod, and a ratchet mechanism. In order to use the device, you will be required to move the lever up the rod, and it will lock after each tooth. Each tool that is used on a scaffold must be advanced at the same rate. After you reach the height that you require, you will double lock the braces. This in turn will provide the type of grip that will prevent the ratchet from sliding and will help lessen the chances of your falling.

You will also need to make sure that the bottoms of the poles are secure. This will help prevent any slippage. When you erect your pump jack scaffolding, you should be careful to follow all of the manufacturer’s guidelines.

An additional safety tip to keep in mind when using the aluminum pump jack is to remember to keep the walkway clean of clutter. When the walkway is cluttered, the additional wires and tools may result in a fall, or you may trip. Instead of using the walkway, it is recommended that you utilize the services of a safety net. A safety net will keep both you and your tools safe and secure, and will prevent the fall of either people or tools.

Contact Bird Ladder and Equipment Company, or call us at 1-800-776-3595, to learn more about products that will improve jobsite safety.

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